Mac’s Vision for Toledo
Neighborhood Development
For too long, our public investment from the City of Toledo has steered away from where it is most needed: our neighborhoods. Mac will work hard to make sure money from the state and federal governments and tax dollars from the citizens of Toledo are spent wisely and that we make tangible investments in roads, parks, blight removal and economic development in our neighborhoods. We must also rely on proven models from other cities for creating public-private partnerships that facilitate investment in our neighborhoods. Mac will work to build upon and strengthen the already existing network of neighborhood groups in the City of Toledo, as he understands the critical role these neighborhood groups play in the health, safety and well-being of the city.
Economic Opportunity
In his work in economic development in downtown Toledo, Mac is keenly aware of the struggles of our local small business community. Mac will fight to make sure Toledo is a business friendly community that welcomes and encourages new private sector investment. Mac understands that a growing economy will give Toledo and its residents the best chance to succeed in the 21st century. Mac will work hard to cut unnecessary regulations from the City of Toledo, and he will make sure the City can move quickly and efficiently in accommodating economic development. Mac will also make sure investments are made in our transportation network and in our employment pipelines so workers in Toledo are presented with new opportunities for work at a living wage.
Environmental Sustainability
Mac believes that the City of Toledo can transform itself into a leader in environmentally sustainable policies and pave the way for cities all over the world. The solutions to a healthy environment aren’t unknown, but the city must begin to actively promote these solutions. Toledo must make investments in cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, public transportation, street trees, and new and improved parks and naturalized areas. As a cyclist, pedestrian, and transit user, Mac understands that alternative modes of transportation are beneficial not only to the environment, but also to the economic and social well-being of the City of Toledo.
City Planning & Toledo’s Future
As an urban planner, Mac understands the importance of providing a vision for the future of the City of Toledo. Mac has attended numerous neighborhood and community engagement sessions as a board member of the Toledo Design Collective, and he understands the importance of listening to a neighborhood’s residents to help craft a vision for a neighborhood’s future. Cities that make and adhere to a well-researched and engaged plan move forward with greater prosperity than cities that do not. Mac will work to reorient the city to listen to its residents, to craft a vision around their ideas, and to react to their needs.
Mac would love to hear your thoughts on how we can create a better city. We are all in this together! If you or your neighborhood group have any questions about Mac’s platform or why he’s running, please contact our campaign.